Henry Institute of Bioscience and Technology, Sirajgonj
Its my great pleasure to invite you to explore the Henry Institute of Bioscience and Technology(HIBT) through our website.Contribution of HIBT for developing a nation is well known to all.To meet a diversified demand of people,we are trying heart and soul through this institute. We are trying our best to make up a suitable place for education and research here.Our institute is playing a vital role in building efficient manpower for the developement of the country as well as for the global needs.With a view to imparting science and technology oriented education in Bangladesh, the HIBT was established in 2016 in Sirajganj district.The ex health minister Md. Nasim MP and Professor Dr. Abdus Sobhan, Vice Chancellor, University of Rajshahi, inaugurated the academic activity of this institute.Within a short period of time, the HIBT show its excellence.I strongly believe that this institute will play an important role to build a educated nation.As founder of HIBT, I congratulate all with its success in future.